Deja Vu Channel Swim
Rebecca spent Sunday at the festival of all things triathlon, cycling and running...TCR10 ( at Sandowne Park. Zoggs have kindly sponsored Deja-Vu with kit for our Channel Swim and so on Sunday she donned her Zoggs swim cap and suit and got in the endless pool to swim while Olympian Karen Pickering ( ) passed judgement! It was quite an experience and one she won't forget for quite some time! After a nice relaxing warm up, her fellow Thames Turbo buddies bribed the man holding the speed controller to make the current stronger and stronger! Needles to say, long distance swimmers aren't sprinters so her performance, no doubt, proved entertaining to many a spectator! Rebecca also got the chance to catch up with our other sponsors Cherry Active. All in all a great day!

Written by Rebecca Tunstall

Well so far we have all started our training for the swim, aswell as numerous hours in the pool, we have all been taking part in other activities for general fitness, including; running, cycling, dancing, off road motorbiking and im not sure how trampolining is helping specifically but maybe conquering the fear of a front somersult and still landing on the bed will help should any sealife pop up to surprise us! 

Written by Rebecca Johnson