Deja Vu Channel Swim
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Saturday started early with a text message from Bex before the alarm even went off saying we were about to be on Radio 1. A quick scurry round to find a radio, a general shout to get everyone out of bed and we were soon huddled around the radio waiting for Rebecca to come on air….she didn’t disappoint and gave us all the lift we needed for the long morning ahead.It was to be the biggest challenge for the team so far, two hours in the water! It was to be broken down into two one hour stints with a gap of an hour in the middle. Sounds easy enough, but forcing yourself back into the water once you have managed to get yourself all warm isn’t easy! We arrived to a team Déjà vu camp…equip with a large tarp and two tents…who says you cant train in style! Once we had all got our hats on and been grease up, we set off. The first swim started off well, but it wasn’t long before the rain started and the waves picked up…perfect training for the actual day…but not so good when your trying to keep and eye out for six other people!! The first swim done, we all stumbled out in high spirits, got changed, fed, watered and then all seven of us bundled into a two man tent…not exactly comfortable…but great for keeping warm! The second swim was, as expected, much harder. With heavy hearts we all dragged ourselves down to the shore with Freda ordering us to “get on with it”! Atlantic Dan lightened the mood by joined us in the water and taught us all the art of tumble turning of the piers at Dover. Definitely an entertaining interlude as we tried to keep up with him as he ploughed his way through the water. I think, or at least hope, that everyone enjoyed themselves on Saturday. From the ever diligent parents who’s only jobs are to chauffeur, feed and cloth us, as well as the swimmers themselves.   I wonder what next weekend will bring….written by Rebecca Tunstall

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